***THANKS to Crypmaster Chiller Chuckie (Charles Rosenay) of the Horror Happenings Examiner, for the nice article on 'Tanglewood Plantation'. http://www.examiner.com/article/a-dilapidated-antebellum-plantation-full-of-ghosts
Hmmm, already I'm pondering the next book. What's an author to do? I have 2 novels in the works that need completion. Those poor characters have been on hiatus for a few years just waiting their turn,and here I sit, conjuring up another story.
Novel writing is hard work; fun, but difficult. Especially those days when absolutely nothing comes to mind; the days when the characters just sit like bumps on a log doing nothing. Good time to go do the laundry, go out to lunch, run to Walmart? Maybe the characters are tired and need a break too? Then there are the days when the characters have their running shoes on, and I have trouble keeping up with them. Lots of typos on those days!
For now, the focus is on getting Tanglewood II out to my readers. I so enjoyed writing it, as it's always an adventure for me, too, when those guys have their running shoes on and we run in sync, together, enjoying the ride.
It's also time to focus on Sanibel, FL. Time to load up the Florida-mobile with Yorkies, parrots, and what-have-you, and head for the warmer weather. I love those darn swamps and everglades, and it's a story from there that is soaking up my creative juices. Those two unfinished novels may have to sit a while longer since this writer has a Florida story on her mind....
Charles F. Rosenay aka Cryptmaster Chiller Chucky
Oh, joy! "Tanglewood Plantation II, Adventure in the Everglade"s now has a book cover, and is nearly completed in the editing department. Won't be long before it's up on Amazon in paperback, and shortly afterward, in Kindle.Hmmm, already I'm pondering the next book. What's an author to do? I have 2 novels in the works that need completion. Those poor characters have been on hiatus for a few years just waiting their turn,and here I sit, conjuring up another story.
Novel writing is hard work; fun, but difficult. Especially those days when absolutely nothing comes to mind; the days when the characters just sit like bumps on a log doing nothing. Good time to go do the laundry, go out to lunch, run to Walmart? Maybe the characters are tired and need a break too? Then there are the days when the characters have their running shoes on, and I have trouble keeping up with them. Lots of typos on those days!
For now, the focus is on getting Tanglewood II out to my readers. I so enjoyed writing it, as it's always an adventure for me, too, when those guys have their running shoes on and we run in sync, together, enjoying the ride.
It's also time to focus on Sanibel, FL. Time to load up the Florida-mobile with Yorkies, parrots, and what-have-you, and head for the warmer weather. I love those darn swamps and everglades, and it's a story from there that is soaking up my creative juices. Those two unfinished novels may have to sit a while longer since this writer has a Florida story on her mind....