About Me

I was born in Quincy, Illinois. Spent my childhood in many places: Illinois, Puerto Rico, St. Thomas VI, Casper, Wyoming,Scottsdale, Arizona. Married, three children, one Yorkshire Terrier, one Yorkshire TERROR, a very supportive husband, and let's not forget one scary Amazon parrot who shares our lovely home on Chesapeake Bay.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013


Greetings Friends,

First off, let me announce that "Tanglewood Plantation"  will be on *SALE* (Kindle version) beginning December 24, 12:00 a.m.  (EST) thru Dec. 27, 11:00 p.m. for .99 cents! 
From 12:00 a.m. December 28 until 11:00 p.m. December 30, the sale price will be $1.99. 

January 1, 2014, the price will revert to the original of $2.99. Load up on sale books for your Christmas vacation, or pre-load that Kindle gift for your friend or loved one! 

* * *

I am still trying to work out my 'redirect' virus on this site.  Very frustrating!  I followed all the instructions with Google and still the 'redirect' pops up.  This virus seems to  be on the blogsite only and not on my computer. I will keep trying!

In the meantime...Tanglewood III is moving along; slowy, but moving. I'm amazed (am I really?) at the amount of research that is required to write this story.  The saving grace is that I spent time in New Orleans last summer and have a bit of a handle on it visually.  I must say, New Orleans is a fascinating place, historically and in modern times as well. Please bear with me, as I do my very best to fill my stories with authentic facts!

This time of year is a busy one for all of us so I wish to YOU, my readers, a wonderful, safe and Happy Holiday Season.

***I do hope I will have this site back to normal (no virus!) soon.***

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