About Me

I was born in Quincy, Illinois. Spent my childhood in many places: Illinois, Puerto Rico, St. Thomas VI, Casper, Wyoming,Scottsdale, Arizona. Married, three children, one Yorkshire Terrier, one Yorkshire TERROR, a very supportive husband, and let's not forget one scary Amazon parrot who shares our lovely home on Chesapeake Bay.

Monday, December 8, 2014


I have definitely taken a long hiatus from this blog.  My apologies, but as I mentioned last time that with "Tanglewood III; Adventure in New Orleans" published, I desperately needed to catch up to the non-fiction life I live.  Ah, it is nearly accomplished! Soon we will be wheeling down the highway to Sanibel, Florida and warmer weather.  Soon I will be setting up my office amidst the palm trees and gators and getting back to work; new story, new characters!

Christmas is just around the corner, and I know many of you are hustling and bustling, shopping, parties, sending cards. It certainly is a busy time of year for those of us who celebrate this holiday. With that said, I would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas, Happy Holiday and definitely a very Happy & Healthy New Year!

Sunday, October 12, 2014


Thank you readers for good feedback and reviews on Tanglewood III.  Special thanks to Katrina for the nice comments!:) I happen to love the Tanglewood series.  What?  Shouldn't I?  Well, not necessarily does an author have to love their books; some can be quite tedious to write.  But for me, it is absolutely necessary that I love my stories or they die in their tracks.

What's next?  Two books are on the horizon, but no time to write until I hit Sanibel, FL this winter.  Writing takes so much time that it is necessary to catch up to all the 'real life' stuff that goes on (and on) whether a person is writing or not.  Therefore, much catch-up!

Okay, back to 'what's next'.  Horror.  Oh yes, but I like to call it 'smart horror'; not anything like Sharknado.  (Sorry Sharnado fans, I tried to watch both I & II but couldn't sit through them).  Actually, I'm not a big fan of campy movies.  Nope, I like the real stuff.

After the surprise horror story, comes a story on more of a back-to-ghosts-romance-travel theme, and one that will take hours of research.  Serious historical stuff, but fun.  I'm excited to get moving on both of these stories but, alas, the real-life stuff has me trapped; the desk must be cleaned off before I start anew.  

Stick with me friends and readers, there are more adventures to come!

Sunday, August 10, 2014


'Tanglewood Plantation III: Adventure in New Orleans' is now available in book form at www.amazon.com.
Somewhere between August 14 - 20, 2014, it will be available in Kindle.

I will most likely have to eliminate this blog as the malware problem is irreparable -- or so it seems.  Google has not helped me with this problem, so instead of this blog, please visit www.jocelynmiller.com for updates.

Thanks so much, readers, for your interest and excitement in my stories.  Your enthusiasm encourages me!

Friday, June 27, 2014


It's on it's way, folks! 'Tanglewood III, Adventure in New Orleans' should be available in paperback and Kindle this August!

Whew, it's been a difficult writing year, as I took some time off to visit far away places.  My most recent was the mountains of the Dominican Republic where I volunteered for a wonderful dental/medical program.  Somos Amigos (We Are Friends) Medical Missions visits the little mountain village of El Naranjito three times a year.  Dominicans and Haitians alike travel miles and miles on foot (or horseback!) to receive free medical care, which is very much needed in the remote mountain villages.  It was a very rewarding experience and I'm so happy I was able to participate and be of some help to my fellow man.  www.somosamigos.org

There is a very persistant spam block-up ad on this blog site.  I have received no feedback from Google on this, and I do apologize if you are experiencing the pop-up when you visit my blog.  I will try (again!) to receive a response from Google, but may, in the meantime, search out another blog site. I'll be sure to let you know!

Thanks for hanging with me, my readers. 'Adventure in New Orleans' is a fun and exciting story and I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed creating it.

*If you speak Spanish or Haitian Creole and/or have a medical background, Somos Amigos is always looking for volunteers!

Saturday, May 3, 2014


Greetings my readers! Yes, I've gone missing for a while, and I'm embarrassed to show up here again. However, this is my blog and I must take responsibility.

I'm happy to say that The End to "Tanglewood III, Adventure in New Orleans" is at last on the horizon. Since last I wrote, I have been to China, returned sick (which set me back a full 2 weeks). I am now well and clicking away at the keyboard. The book cover is on it's way to me as I write and I'm so excited to finally see it in person.  The book covers come to me as actual paintings. In this world in technology, my artists and I communicate over the internet through emails and photographs of works in progress. Therefore, I have not seen the cover in person, but I know Jamie Tate is a wonderful artist and I'm very excited.

Please hang on, my readers. I'm working hard to get Tanglewood into print and then it will be off to a new story--and one that my fingers are itching to get to!

Thursday, March 13, 2014


There's no use apologizing for the delay in keeping up with this blog, as I don't seem to be able to keep up with a darn thing lately. First of all, I have been so disappointment with Google for not responding to my re-direct malware problem. This is definitely the main reason I have been absent for a while. My main computer went kaput, and my vast file collection went kaput with it. Secondly, we all have it...real life. Real life keeps us hopping, and if a writer can't hide away in a locked room with a word processor (that isn't kaput), then it's hopeless; real life interferes and steals precious time. This seems to be the name of the game this year.

Honestly, I am plugging away at 'Tanglewood Plantation III, Adventure in New Orleans'.  In fact, the cover painting is finished, thanks to my wonderful artist, Jamie Tate. This is, indeed, a good sign! The story is taking me much longer than I anticipated but, as applies to all things, it will come to the end of the writing road and magically turn into an e-book and paperback. After all, we certainly can't leave Summer, Captain Ruiz, and Guy hanging at the edge of the abyss!

And...after Tanglewood III? Summer and gang will take a break.  I'm ready for a new writing project and there is one under way already.  It's been shut in a drawer for a couple of months, but it's there, calling my name, none-the-less.

So until the next time, my friends and readers, be well, be happy, and stay tuned!


Sunday, January 5, 2014


Happy New Year to my friends, family and readers! I do hope the new year will bring health & happiness to each and every one of you. 

In the short time I've been in Florida this year so far, it has been sunny, hot, humid, very cold, very gray and very wet --- all of those! Fickle nature! The best though, is that I have seen many gators, and gator spotting is a very favorite hobby of mine.

Tanglewood III is rolling along...honestly. I must admit this is not the easiest story I have written and who would have guessed? I've traveled to New Orleans twice for research this year (and okay, some fun thrown in), but now I'm finding that I must return again at the end of this month to visit several important spots that I missed on previous trips so that I can be accurate in my tale.  Ah well, I guess there are worse things than visiting New Orleans!

My apologies for the malware or 'redirect' on this site when you click on a link. Google has not responded to me so must take some time from writing  to (again) contact Google, or else give up this site and search for a new one.  Hang with me!

Until the next time (and I will try to not let so much time lapse between postings), stay warm, you Northerners; I hear the big chill is on its way.

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