About Me

I was born in Quincy, Illinois. Spent my childhood in many places: Illinois, Puerto Rico, St. Thomas VI, Casper, Wyoming,Scottsdale, Arizona. Married, three children, one Yorkshire Terrier, one Yorkshire TERROR, a very supportive husband, and let's not forget one scary Amazon parrot who shares our lovely home on Chesapeake Bay.

Monday, November 28, 2011

TERRIBLE TECH TERRORS lead to historical time-travel for this writer

This is a whacked out crazy world.  While mayhem explodes in the stores on Black Friday, at least shoppers can't pepper-spray each other on Cyber Monday.  May as well pepper-spray me though, as I sit here with a huge sinus condition/headache and try to (time and time again) log into this blog-site.  Ye gads, it may as well be Fort Knox for all the rigamarole Google has put me through this morning!

Technology has gone berserk, or have we gone berserk for technology?  Both, I would say. No matter how frustrated we get over our smart phone malfunctions, computer virus's; no matter how many electronic toys we buy and throw aside a each year, and no matter how many hours (yes, hours!) we waste speaking to India...we are drawn like moths to the flame; it is after all, a technological world these days and we must keep up or fade into antiquity.

With that said, perhaps this is why I love to write of times past. Perhaps this is what draws me to a time before the technological take-over, before women played football with the big boys, or carried guns in overseas wars. Frankly, I don't see what's so darn necessary about having to prove feminine macho-ism in camouflage, tote a (high tech of course) killing machine and kill our fellow earthlings. Women have been toting guns and fighting off men, animals, invaders and what-not since time began, but they did it in skirts in most cases, and not camouflage.  I like strong women, I like to write about strong women, and women are most definitely strong! But, I am missing my topic this morning, which began as my frustration with technology. We will save strong women for the next post. In the meantime, if you want to read about a strong woman, read my first novel "Broken Chords." Now there was a gun-toting prairie woman who didn't depend on technology or have to deal with Google's Fort Knox security system if she wanted to log into her own blog.

Sunday, November 6, 2011


Remember that nursery rhyme? Oops, you don't?  Most likely because it's a dinosaur at this point. "To market, to market, to buy a fat pig" is how the rhyme went. In this case it's "To market to market to promote my book"... If I keep bringing 'marketing' up, please forgive me. It truly is the greatest challenge an author faces and especially for those of us not-quite-famous authors who are NOT included in the top 7% of famous best-selling authors. Book marketing for the rest of us in the lower 93% is an on-going, gut-wrenching, mind-boggling-time-consuming project that makes us want to scream like Scarlet..."Oh, I can't bear to think of it now, I'll think about it tomorrow!" But, guess what? Tomorrow is here every morning with the sunrise. Going viral in this new world of technology is the ultimate goal; someone across the pond with a charming British clip catching a (good only) online review of Tanglewood Plantation and actually ordering it, well....that's the cherry on the cake!  So, trudge on, ye prisoner of the keyboard!  Don't get off the merry-go-round until you grab the brass ring!

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