About Me

I was born in Quincy, Illinois. Spent my childhood in many places: Illinois, Puerto Rico, St. Thomas VI, Casper, Wyoming,Scottsdale, Arizona. Married, three children, one Yorkshire Terrier, one Yorkshire TERROR, a very supportive husband, and let's not forget one scary Amazon parrot who shares our lovely home on Chesapeake Bay.

Saturday, May 3, 2014


Greetings my readers! Yes, I've gone missing for a while, and I'm embarrassed to show up here again. However, this is my blog and I must take responsibility.

I'm happy to say that The End to "Tanglewood III, Adventure in New Orleans" is at last on the horizon. Since last I wrote, I have been to China, returned sick (which set me back a full 2 weeks). I am now well and clicking away at the keyboard. The book cover is on it's way to me as I write and I'm so excited to finally see it in person.  The book covers come to me as actual paintings. In this world in technology, my artists and I communicate over the internet through emails and photographs of works in progress. Therefore, I have not seen the cover in person, but I know Jamie Tate is a wonderful artist and I'm very excited.

Please hang on, my readers. I'm working hard to get Tanglewood into print and then it will be off to a new story--and one that my fingers are itching to get to!

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